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Ár bPobal
nnn Welcome to the Irish Laguage version of the Our Community Programme. Pupils are lead through a discovery of how people and businesses operate within a community. They look at shops and services which make up a community and are introduced to tax and voting. nnnn Click the links below to access resources. nnnnnn nnnn…
lullam utlacus adipiscing ipsum molestie euismod estibulum vel.
Lorem lipsum Dolor nunc vule putateulr ips dol consec.Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upien disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor. nec met quam accumsan dolore condime netus lullam utlacus adipiscing ipsum molestie euismod estibulum vel.Lorem lipsum Dolor nunc vule putateulr ips dol consec.Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upien disse comete dolo lectus…