Loans, grants, fees, budgeting and debt. The world of student finance can be very confusing. However, there is a lot of advice out there to make sure that you are able to access the money that you are entitled to and to help you look after it.
Financial Help available to you at a glance
Money Available
How Much?
Will I have to pay it back?
Tuition Fees Loan
Up to £9250
Maintenance Loan
Up to £6780
Maintenance Grant
Up to £3475
* Loans are only paid back once you earn over £22,050 per year. Any outstanding debt is cleared after 25 years.
Useful Links
Let’s face it – you are probably not going to look at all of these links (although they are useful) so if there’s just one to look at, it’s this one:
A great video linked with the website above. 58min long, but worth watching. Note that there will be some differences between NI, Scotland and England/Wales.